Have a wonderful 2011! With love from The Hollywood Family!

Welcome to the Hollywood Family website.  Here you will find all the latest news about Daniel, Lisa, Joshua, Zara and Natasha Collins, otherwise known as "The Hollywood Family."
So what's been going on this year?
Dan reached the ripe old age of 40 this year we had a great family celebration in Leeds and a Mexican Fiesta back home with friends in Elstree.  Dan's back is getting better every day and although he has had more surgery this year he is feeling better than ever !
Lisa continues to juggle our busy family schedule with work and this year started a new Job working back in pharmaceuticals. 
Joshua is 9 and in year 5.  He went for a tour of the BBC for his birthday party and this year won a Blue Peter badge!  Joshua loves drama and singing and had appeared in 2 shows this year as well as performing for the mayor of Hertsmere.  There is a very special performance coming up this week more detail to follow!
Zara is 6  and is in year 2.  She enjoys Drama and Karate and will be playing Jasmine in this years school play of Aladdin.  She loves going to Rainbows every week .  Zara has been losing her teeth this year and has just lost her top front tooth!
Natasha is 3 and loves to make us laugh!  She started Nursery of the school this year and loves it.  Natasha loves going to her dance and gym classes and especially likes going swimming.  She is the best swimmer in the family!